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Company | Catholic Reli... |
Industry | NGO/IGO/INGO |
Category | W.A.S.H. |
Location | Ahafo, Northe... |
Job Status | Contractor/Co... |
Salary | GHS |
Education | Qualified |
Experience | N/A |
Job Expires | Jun 27, 2024 |
Contact | ... |
Company Profile Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS works to save, protect, and transform lives in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. CRS’ relief and development work is accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding. CRS Ghana was established in 1958, a year after Ghana gained independence. In Ghana, CRS works with local partners to tackle poverty on several fronts including improving health and nutrition; increasing access to safe water and improved sanitation; promoting agriculture to enhance food security; and increasing financial assets through Savings and Internal Lending Communities. Job Description
Catholic Relief Service (CRS) is a faith-based international development organization. CRS Ghana was established in 1958, a year after Ghana gained independence. In Ghana, CRS works with local partners to tackle poverty on several fronts including improving health and nutrition; increasing access to safe water and improved sanitation and hygiene practices; promoting agriculture to enhance food security; and increasing financial assets through Savings and Internal Lending Communities. Currently, CRS is implementing several projects including the Rural Emergency and Transport Services (REST 4D) Project, Developing Acute Care and Emergency Referral Systems (ACERS), Action for the Protection and Integration of Migrants in Africa (APIMA) Project under Youth Livelihood Program, and Ghana Extension Systems Strengthening Project (GESSiP).
CRS with funding from the Water Access Now (WAN) is implementing the Improving Water Access in Northern Ghana (IWANG) project. The IWANG project seeks to improve coverage of water access to schools, health facilities and communities across targeted districts in Northern Ghana. Therefore, CRS Ghana seeks to engage the services of hydrogeological investigation consultants and contractors to undertake the drilling and construction of fifteen (15) boreholes.
BACKGROUND Since 2007, Water Access Now (WAN) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS), in collaboration with the local government authorities, have supported over 250 health facilities, schools and communities to gain access to safe drinking water in the Northern, Upper East, Upper West and Oti Regions of Ghana. To date, WAN has provided funding to support the provision of safe water supply through the construction and rehabilitation of boreholes, including limited mechanized boreholes, and rainwater harvesting systems for deprived communities.
More funds have again been made available by WAN in 2024 for the construction of an estimated 15 new boreholes and 1 limited mechanized water system (LMS) for some deprived schools, health facilities and communities at Zabzugu, Kpandai, Tano North and Bunkpurugu Nakpanduri, and Yunyoo Nasuan Districts. The interventions will contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of about 10,000 rural children and adults in communities, schools, and health facilities in the project areas and contribute to the accelerated achievement of the SDG 6, by 2030.
The provision of safe water hinges strongly on protection of the water from source to the point of use for improved WASH behaviors in homes, schools, and healthcare facilities. As a result, the project seeks to conduct hands-on trainings to Water and Sanitation Management Teams (WSMTs) to ensure effective management and sustainability of the community water systems and water points.
CRS Ghana is thus pleased to issue these terms of reference to engage competent contractors for the drilling and construction of 15 No. boreholes in communities, schools and healthcare facilities in the Tano North Municipal in the Ahafo Region, Zabzugu and Kpandai in the Northern region and Bunkpurugu Nakpanduri and Yunyoo Nasuan in the North East region.
DETAILS 1. Lots and Locations
Lots defined by geographical area and type of facility for the drilling and construction of boreholes are included in this TOR. The list of beneficiary communities/health facilities where boreholes are to be drilled is shown in the Tables below. Any subsequent changes to the list will be in the defined geographical area and will not merit consideration of any adjustment in payments to the contractor or consultant.
Table 1: Places of performance and number of boreholes to be constructed – Tano North Municipal.
Table 2: Places of performance and number of boreholes to be constructed – Zabzugu, Kpandai, Bunkpurugu Nankpanduri and Yunyoo Nasuan Districts.
2. Specifications for Borehole Drilling and Construction (see Annex A)
Scope of Work and Activities
The Contract is for the drilling and construction of boreholes for drinking water supply in fifteen (15) beneficiary project communities, schools, and health facilities in 4 Districts of the Ahafo, Bono, Northern and North East Regions of Ghana.
The assignment will include, but not necessarily be limited to the following activities:
Table 3: Monthly Progress Reporting Format for Borehole Drilling Required Skills or Experience BID REQUIREMENTS
To submit a bid for this contract, each bidder is required to provide a minimum of the following:
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