Request For Proposal:End Of Project Evaluation Of The Transformational Teacher Training in Central Region, Ghana (ECE)


Company Sabre Educati...
Industry Education
Category Education
Location Central Regio...
Job Status Full-time
Salary GH¢ 
Education Qualified
Experience N/A
Job Expires Jun 19, 2024
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Company Profile

Sabre Education is a well-established non-governmental organization (NGO) operating in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) sector. With 19 years of experience, we have actively collaborated with the Ghana Education Service on various impactful programmes.

Job Description

Request For Proposal (RFP)
End Of Project Evaluation Of The 
Transformational Teacher Training in Central Region, Ghana (ECE)
Sabre Education, a leader in Early Childhood Education, is seeking the services of a consultant to conduct an Outcome Evaluation of its Transformational Teacher Training Programme in two project districts in the Central Regions of Ghana.
The evaluation will assess what changes or results occurred during the life of the project including beneficiaries and whether the objectives of the project were met whilst providing information on the project’s key performance indicators, and documenting lessons to guide future design and implementation of projects. This Terms of Reference (ToR) details the scope of work to be carried out. The evaluation is expected to commence by June, 2024, while the final report is expected to be submitted no later than August, 2024.
Project background
The Transformational Teacher Training in the Central Region, is a 2.5-year project that started in 2022. It has been delivered in two districts (Effutu and Gomoa Central) in the Central Region of Ghana using the GES national In-Service Teacher Training (INSET) manual that Sabre and other partners supported in developing. This multi-year project was delivered in partnership with the Early Childhood Department of the University of Education, Winneba, the Effutu and Gomoa Central District Education Directorates and selected Private Schools. INSET begins with Training of Trainers drawn from the Ghana Education Service, who then go on to deliver nine days of training over the course of a year to Kindergarten (KG) teachers, headteachers and district Ghana Education Service officers. Teachers also receive classroom-based monitoring support and a resource pack with items such as story books, building blocks and a teaching and learning resource making toolkit. Headteachers are trained to coach and support their KG teachers and Ghana Education Service officers are given the skills and tools to monitor and maintain quality teaching in the classroom.
Project year one focussed on training practising teachers and headteachers from all 64 public schools in both districts and 34 private schools. Working with the UEW and the district GES teams, year two saw the selection and establishment of a smaller sub-set network of Model Practice Classrooms (MPC) to serve student-teachers from the Early Childhood Department of UEW with quality practical Supported Teaching in School experience and mentorship in the KG classrooms. Teachers in these MPC KG classrooms were given another year of training to become competent in mentoring student-teachers. College tutors were also supported through knowledge sharing workshops to model the play-based approach to their student teachers during lectures. In total, 26 public schools and 9 private schools in Effutu and 20 schools in Gomoa Central received an additional year of training to become MPCs.
Over the duration of the project, Sabre supported the School Improvement Support Officers (SISOs), led by the Deputy Director in charge of Supervision (DDSup) and the Education Management Information System (EMIS), to monitor progress of beneficiaries and support in assessing the fidelity of implementation. The teams monitored the actions of headteachers, teachers and trainers respectively. Specifically, the SISOs carried out termly monitoring of teachers to assess their competence in using play-based learning in the classrooms whilst the EMIS team assessed the quality of training delivery by trainers. Towards the end of the 2023 academic year, SISOs were equipped with skills and tools to also monitor the effectiveness of in-classroom coaching by headteachers.
Project stakeholders and beneficiaries include:
  • District Education Office (GES) of Effutu and Gomoa Central consisting of the following:
    • o District Director, Dep. Dir. Supervision, SISOs, EMIS, KG Coordinator (also referred to as ECE Coordinator) and District Training Officers;
  • Public Schools consisting of KG Teachers, Headteachers, KG1 & 2 Learners
  • Low – Fee Private Schools consisting of Proprietors, Headteachers, KG teachers and KG1 & 2 Learners
  • Early Childhood Department at the Faculty of Education of the University of Education, Winneba consisting of Lecturers, Student-teachers
  • National Teaching Council (NTC)
  • The Effutu Municipal Assembly and the Gomoa Central District Assembly, parents, and communities.
  • Private Schools Association, Effutu Municipal and Gomoa Central branches The project started in April 2022 and is expected to end in June 2024.
Purpose and Objectives of the Evaluation
The overall purpose of the evaluation is to document evidence of the outcomes and wider impact of the project, taking into consideration the relatively short nature of the project. The evaluation should seek to capture lessons from: (i) the partnership and support to the ECE Department of the University of Education in general, and to the Supported Teaching in Schools (STS) and Model Practice Classrooms in particular; (ii) the in-service KG teacher training provided to selected low-fee private schools; (iii) the partnership and support to the two partner districts (Effutu and Gomoa Central) in the in-service KG and Primary 1 teacher training including Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) for continuous professional development and the training to the headteachers and the municipal/district GES staff, as well as (iv) the training given to the district EMIS teams in tracking and documenting outputs and outcomes of the project. The report from the evaluation should be to guide future programming and the wider organisational learning.
The evaluation methods will use an inclusive approach that involves all project stakeholders, including (but not limited to): KG and Primary 1 teachers and headteachers of public schools in Effutu and Gomoa District i; Sabre Education staff; Staff of Effutu and Gomoa Central District Education Directorate, including the DTST members who are classroom teachers; staff of the Early Childhood Department of UEW; proprietors, headteachers and KG teachers of selected Private Schools in Gomoa in Effutu Districts.
The evaluation approach must conform to OECD standards for program evaluations. The consultant(s) is expected to conduct a desk review, and undertake field visits, during which they will conduct key informant interviews (KII), In-depth Interviews (ID), focus group discussions (FGD), and reflection meetings. The evaluation process should conclude with a dissemination workshop for Sabre Education and project partners to reflect together on the relevance and impact of the project, the lessons learned and how the project initiatives can be further sustained.
Objectives of the evaluation
Specifically, the objectives of the final evaluation are:

Specifically, the objectives of the final evaluation are:

  1. Assess the relevance and appropriateness of the project in terms of:
    1. The project design- the extent to which the project stakeholder and beneficiaries were involved in the design and implementation; the timeliness of the activities and inputs; and the extent to which the results (outcomes and outputs) were relevant to the needs and priorities of the target groups/beneficiaries.
    2. Engagement of Private School Associations in Effutu and Gomoa Central – how relevant did they see the project and their level of involvement in its implementation.
    3. Alignment with: Sabre Education’s strategic objectives and priorities; the objectives of the Early Childhood Department of the UEW; the policy, priorities and objectives of the Effutu, Gomoa Central District Education directorates and GES as a whole; and the priorities of the participating private schools.
    4. The factors and constraints that influenced project implementation and outcomes, including technical, managerial, organisational, institutional, and policy issues, as well as other contextual factors;
    5. The extent to which the project was able to adjust/adapt and manage risk throughout implementation, to respond for example to the changes in the education calendar/context and/or implementation;
    6. Assess what is missing in the intervention logic and its effect on the results observed. How relevant and valid was the Theory of Change (ToC) and its assumptions to the intervention.
  2. Assess and document project results as set out in the project logframe in comparison to the baseline.
  3. Assess and document the noticeable results (changes/outcomes) in terms of the following and indicate whether the results are intended or unintended, and the factors that contributed to the results:

a.The Partnership and work with University of Education, Winneba (UEW)

  1. University lecturers in modelling play-based learning in the university for student-teachers to learn from;
  2. Student-teacher STS experiences in the KG classrooms during observations and mentorship
  3. The adaptations or changes made by the department as a result of learnings from the project.
  4. Initiatives undertaken by the Department to share learnings from the project to a wider audience.

b.The partnership and work with the GES District Directorates of Effutu and Gomoa Central

  1. Learning outcomes among KG learners
  2. Ability of KG teachers to competently use the play-based methodology in teaching the current KG standard-based curriculum
  3. The ability of Primary 1 teachers to use creative approaches to create positive learning environment for Primary 1 learners.
  4. The role of headteachers in providing leadership in ECE and coaching to KG teachers);
  5. The role of, ECE Coordinators, School Improvement Support Officers (SISOs), the District Teacher Support Teams (DTSTs) in monitoring and providing support to KG and P1. Teachers.
  6. Headteacher leadership in supporting Primary 1 teachers in the transition of KG2 learners to Primary 1.
  7. The KG teachers as mentors to ECE student-teachers on STS in the MPCs and leading PLC sessions.
  8. Classroom set-up, and the making and provision of teaching and learning resources (TRLs).
  9. Continuous    professional    development    of   teachers    through    PLCs   in participating districts.
  10. Engagement of parents, on play-based learning

c.Engagement with low-fee Private schools

  1. Learning outcomes among KG learners
  2. Ability of KG teachers to competently use the play-based methodology in teaching the current KG standard-based curriculum
  3. The role of headteachers and Proprietors in providing leadership and coaching support to KG teachers
  4. Engagement of parents on play-based learning and informal assessments.
  5. The role and contribution of the Private School Associations to the success or otherwise of the project.
  6. The value of the intervention to the Private School Association and their schools.

Note: Compare the outcomes of private schools where headteachers and proprietors attended trainings to those whose headteachers and proprietors did not attend the trainings

  1. Advocacy efforts by all partners in support of play-based learning and to advance and sustain the quality of ECE in the districts.

4. Coherence, Efficiency and Sustainability

  1. In which ways did the project’s design align with SDG 4.2, and how were the activities consistent and aligned with safeguarding and gender and social inclusion (GESI) considerations?
  2. Assess the extent to which resources (human, money and material) were used judiciously.
  3. Assess the extent to which the changes observed will last. How sustainable are these changes?
  4. Which aspects of the intervention are most likely to be sustained? Why
  5. Which aspects of the intervention are most likely not to be sustained? Why
  6. How could certain aspects have been made sustainable?
5. Document good practices, innovations and lessons emerging from the project, and make recommendations for future programming
  1. Identify best practices and lessons learnt related to the project operational contexts, actors engaged, strategies applied in the implementation and changes observed. This includes documenting good practices and lessons learned in relation to the implementation approach;
  2. Provide actionable recommendations for Sabre Education and its implementing partners to strengthen its implementation approach

***The intervention logframe will be shared as part of supporting documents for the assignment.

Evaluation methodology
The consultant is expected to utilize outcome harvesting techniques including the mapping of outcomes of boundary partners to understand the changes in behaviour, relationships and practices that have taken place, the significance of those changes in the short and long-term and the extent to which these changes can be attributed to the project.
The evaluation should adopt an inclusive approach that involves all programme stakeholders, to generate diverse views on the programme’s performance. It should also take into consideration the operational dynamics within the current in-service, and the pre-service teacher-training environment as well as other contexts that may be necessary.
The consultant is expected to ensure an adequate sampling of respondents and participants for the primary data collection. Based on the sample, Sabre will facilitate access to respondent groups for field data collection. It is expected that the methods and tools should be participatory, gender and culturally sensitive.
The assignment is expected to start in June 2024 and to be completed by August 2024.

How To Apply

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